
Thursday, 18 October 2012

Soft Skills Lesson 2

Frantically pushing my baby's stroller, I walked as fast as my (not so) tiny frame would allow. Desperation unleashed all over my otherwise radiant countenance. The urgency was that I had to rush for a prebooked appointment with my GP for an ear infection. With last minute nappy changes and refusals for sitting in buggy, my little one is making me a pro at being late for almost every appointment. In such frenzied moments, the brain generally stops its usual tete-a-tete and one is more or less blank. In this vacuous state, I observed an octogenarian couple walking right in front of me. In ordinary circumstances, my absent minded soul would have conveniently ignored their presence. But they chose to park themselves right in front of me and saunter at a snail's pace. For someone who enjoys the British summer, it was quite nice and sunny with slightly cool breeze, brewing a perfect weather to laze around. Ahhh no time for such simple pleasures for me. I could only think of a missed appointment which would lead to my name being removed from my local GP 's list. The rule says that  if you miss your appointments thrice, your name would be removed from the list and you have to reregister, which of course is a tedious process. With the baby keeping my hands full I have no time for that and you guessed it right I have already missed my appointments twice. The couple's mood appeared to be in stark contrast with my state of mind. They wanted to sway with the breeze and soak in the daylight as if there's no tomorrow. (Well, actually that's the way to live life fully). The lady stopped midway to admire some flowers in a private garden. The gentleman followed suit. They were absolutely thrilled and delighted to see the beauty and grandeur of  those flowers like a little child, who eats candy for the first time. Their intention was not to pluck and own those flowers. Infact, they were just breathing in the fragrance and appreciating the bountiful nature. Their coos of appreciation were so animated that I couldn't help but smile.

My Lesson for life learnt : If you are happy and joyous yourself, you can spread this happiness and joy wherever you go. Like a blossomed flower, you can warm the cockles of many a heart. And if you are happy within, being courteous and gentle becomes your second nature.

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